When I was 16 I was in a very bad car accident and had a stroke as a result of injuries I received from that accident. The stroke and resulting brain damage were so serious that I died in the ICU of the hospital I was taken to for 30 minutes. The damage was so extensive that they said my brain could no longer support vital functions so I died, and saw my father whom had been killed in a construction accident when I was 10. For some unexplained reason I came back to life and here I am today. (When I came back, it was unexpected and unassisted. Kind of funny, a nurse came in to start taking some equipment off me and I started to bump her with my hand. It scared her to death so to speak. Love her and we still talk about that moment) The thing that baffled doctors was that upon re scanning my brain the damage from the stroke was different. It had changed from massive brain trauma to a single point of damage. As if someone had taken the eraser end of a pencil and damaged the portion of my brain that controls motor function for the left side of my body. The brain damage left me completely paralyzed on the left side of my body and so I sat in a wheelchair with some of the best neurologists in the country telling me I was lucky to have that. The expectation had been set. So I sat there feeling sorry for myself for quite some time. I was doing physical therapy, but the best medical professionals available to me were telling me that I was where I was going to be. One doctor even bought me an electric wheelchair. He was the father of a guy I grew up and went to school with. I never took shop/industrial arts in school, but one day the shop teacher from my high school showed up at the hospital with a device he called the horseshoe. It did in fact look like a horseshoe sitting on its side with 4 legs, like a table with a roller on the bottom of each leg.. They could stand me up and slide me into the horseshoe. Kind of like a baby walker. I asked him why he built this and he told me it was so I could walk again. Now I did not believe I was going to walk again. The experts told me I was not going to walk again, but this man told me I could. It resonated with me. Today he owns a very successful medical supply company, and I owe him everything, but he got me thinking the right way and he gave me hope. He gave me an essential element to every mans accomplishments, hope. It was slow and eventually, using th/e device, I could put weight on the left leg. Then I could step forward with the right leg and drag the left leg through. Now the doctors were saying miracle, and there is no doubt I can walk again. In a few months the young nurses were asking me to follow them around as they did their rounds. I was 16 and I thought they liked me. Was not until later that I realized they were just getting me to exercise. LOL, I was a 16 year old kid. :). They urged me on and told me I could do it, and so I did. I eventually walked out of that hospital completely unassisted. You always have the tests you have to go through and follow up. At one point in time a very nice lady from the state vocational rehabilitation team visited me at school to do a evaluation. In her opinion, this 17 year old high school senior should train to be a cashier as a vocation. When I received my MBA I sent her a copy. Today I do not need to send her anything. Information on my accomplishments are not hard to find. We must not let our current understanding set the expectation for future results. We can win, and we can win in a big way. People do not need to go thorough what I have gone through to be successful. My 10 year old and 7 year old prove that every day. BusinessWeek Magazine recently called my 7 year old the youngest Senior Executive in the country. Her Business, AudreysArtwork.com owns license to 392,000 different pieces of art, signs, posters, etc. My 10 year old is about to graduate Highschool and will be attending Brown.. She, along with my wife, just won the 2020 American Female Empowerment Award for the work their company www.Bargainbrute.com is doing to empower female business. The approach is simple and anyone can get up and walk.
#motivation, #inspiration, #business, #faith, #faithinhumanity, #love, #family, #neardeathexperience
source https://bargainbrutedotcom.tumblr.com/post/615025918053941248
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