Shopping deals from a loving, Christian, Fort collins, Colorado family…..
www.ShoppingwithJesus.com explains:
Online shopping is obviously a big deal every year, but this year I think even more so. This opens up opportunities for newer online shopping retailers to show consumers they are serious about earning their business by accepting lower profit margins, and offering pricing that helps their customers buying power. The exact opposite of that is major retail Giants like Amazon.com, Walmart, and Target using their tremendous buying power to purchase large quantities of products and pass the savings on to their customers. Who is really doing you a favor? The little guy who earns less at the end of the day, or the corporate giant who can offer low prices and still make a decent margin, while forcing their employees to do the unthinkable as we have recently readin the news.
This is a philosophical question which relates deep down to corporate priorities. Your company either values a consumers ability to provide for their family, or it values shareholder relations and overall profit margins. Very rarely are both in queue. How a company markets itself and how they behave in the board room are two totally different faces in most cases. The average consumer does not have time to reaseach the facts, and that is why you depend on me to do the legwork for you. As I have been shuffling through and diving into the search results I tend to avoid the pay per click results returned. Just because a company can afford to buy Google and get their store on page one of the google results does not make them the best store in every case. I want to know who really cares and who just wants my money.
I came across a story about a family in Fort Collins, Colorado that really grabbed my attention. The Vandergraph family, who own the online retail giant www.BargainBrute.com tell a story that I found completely amazing. Douglas Vandergraph and his wife Kristin are involved in their community and with their children in a way I would not expect from extremely busy billion dollar entrepreneurs. Multiple articles I have read online indicate they have incredible plans to bring industry to the Fort Collins, Colorado community in a way that will increase employment and wages for those they will be able to hire through increased investment in their corporate infrastructure and related growth and development in the area. Douglas Vandergraph is shown quoted as saying,“The residents of Fort Collins are hard working, intelligent people. It is a shame to see people of this calibur dependent upon multiple jobs to support their families in some cases. The future of Northern Colorado should not be the way of the strip mall and apartment, but of corporate job opportunities, property, and home ownership all provided in a way that least impacts our beautiful environment. So few should not profit so much on the backs of the many. Our corporate plans involve growth in this community which we believe will translate into better jobs and opportunities for the valued members of the Fort Collins community.” I was very impressed by the words spoken, and intrigued enough to want to know more. It appears that Douglas speaks of his family as highly as he does about his future aspirations. The lady of the Vandergraph famility, Kristin Vandergraph, appears to be making incredible strides in the diamond industry. VandergraphJewelry.com is becoming a leading online jewelry retailer according to multiple media sources. Both of their daughters, age 9 and 6 own online retail empires themselves. Sarah Vandergraph, age 9, owns a international clothing and accessories premium outlet called www.SarahsFashions.com. There are some very interesting articles about Sarah in Italian fashion periodicals I found interesting. The yougest Vandergraph Audrey, age 6, owns a online art outlet called www.AudreysArtwork.com and I see her being mentioned in multiple media outlets as “The youngest Senior Executive in the United States”. Hard to believe, but the news trail goes on with multiple articles on World News, BBC, and from last count over 5000 other media outlets worldwide. All of this, and all this family talks about is their love for each other and taking care of their employees. They exemplify their Christian values.
So this puts me back to my original commentary. I want to know who cares about you and me as a customer, and who is just in it for the almighty dollar. I understand the Vandergraph Family owns businesses around the world, but my focus is on retail organizations offering products at a fair price and not on the backs of their employees. So I went out to their online business called www.BargainBrute.com. This is not just a store, I found an online shopping mall with 45 stores and policies to match the Christian values of the family that owns it. It is not everyday that you get to know the owners of the establishment where you spend your hard earned money. I compared pricing across multiple products and found the stores on the online shopping mall Bargainbrute.com to be fairly consistent. Some where less, but only one product I reviewed out of 50 was listed at a higher price than the competitors I reviewed. If I can get everything I need in one place, spend the same or less, and know my money is going to support an amazing Colorado Community and will use it in a way I agree with. Hands down my online shopping dollars are going to BargainBrute.com. I look forward to seeing all of the amazing accomplishments of the Vandergraph family in the future and I pray that they have the opportunity to continue helping others. It was very impressive to get to know them better and their business www.bargainbrute.com aka. www.ShoppingwithJesus.com. I hope you have a very nice day.!!!!!!!!!
source https://bargainbrutedotcom.tumblr.com/post/174727917144
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